Bledsoe County Schools 5-Year Strategic Plan
Goals | Objectives | Strategies | Strategic Accomplishments |
Goal 1: Elevate the educational program for all students | Objective 1.1: By the year 2027, 50% of third grade students will be reading on grade level. | Strategy 1.1.1: All early grade teachers will participate in the Early Reading Training. | In Process 78% of Pre-K - 2 teachers have completed the Early Grades Reading Training to date. |
Strategy 1.1.2: Support teachers using unit and lesson preparation protocols. Facilitate collaboration among teachers to prepare for effective delivery of their instructional materials. | Ongoing Early grade teachers developed a district-wide pacing guide, and have met to make adjustments based on instructional need during the recent professional development day. |
Strategy 1.1.3: Create a district-wide vision for literacy, including a foundational literacy plan. | In Process The district has a state approved Foundational Literacy Skills Plan (FLSP), and is collaborating with stakeholders to develop the overall vision of literacy. |
Strategy 1.1.4: Provide professional development and support for school leaders in developing their knowledge and understanding of what excellent reading foundational skills instruction looks like, using the TN Foundational Skills IPG as an observation tool. | Ongoing School and district leaders have participated in baseline learning walks using the IPG tool in Pre-K. |
Strategy 1.1.5: Implement and develop action plans based on CASE benchmark assessments (3 times a year). | Ongoing The first Mastery View benchmark has been given. Teachers analyzed root causes for the standards students had not mastered and developed strategies for a continuous improvement cycle. |
Strategy 1.1.6: Students in second grade who are near proficiency will participate in the TN ALL Corp high-quality tutoring program. | In Process Pikeville Elementary has a tutor in place working with 3rd grade students in reading. On our recent benchmark, 27% of those students being served showed significant gains. Cecil B. Rigsby has a candidate completing the required TN All Corp tutor training. We are still looking for a candidate for Mary V. Wheeler. |
Objective 1.2: By 2027, all Bledsoe County Schools will perform at an overall level 3 or higher. | Strategy 1.2.1: Implement monthly PLC meetings to analyze data, student work, root causes, and intervention strategies. | Accomplished: 10/28/2022 Created process to analyze testing data and distribute to each teacher to help quickly determine lapses and strengths in student work. Intervention strategies to be entered into data to determine the effectiveness of the strategies. |
Strategy 1.2.2: Provide support for all teachers around unit/lesson internalization and instructional focus documents. | Ongoing Middle and high school teachers have been looking at key math standards being addressed. Using the IFD, teachers compose a learning target and formative assessment for that target. A rubric is then developed to evaluate student progress. The application of that rubric to student work informs decision for next steps in the improvement cycle. |
Strategy 1.2.3: Create a district vision for ELA and math instruction. | In Process The district is collaborating with stakeholders to develop the overall vision of literacy and math. |
Strategy 1.2.4: Conduct walk-through observations to analyze trends across schools/district to determine strengths and needs using the IPG (Instructional Practice Document). | Ongoing School and district leaders have participated in baseline learning walks using the IPG tool in ELA for knowledge in grades K-5. Math learning walks will begin in November. |
Strategy 1.2.5: Participate in professional development as provided through the Early Literacy Network, Literacy Implementation Network, and TRAIN (Tennessee Rural Acceleration and Innovation Network). | Ongoing District and school leaders participate in monthly PD sessions with the (ELN and LIN) around effective literacy instruction and using the IPG as a measurement tool. The district is also participating in the TRAIN network PD focused on ready grad and literacy instruction. Leaders were engaged in two days of Equity and Cultural Responsive with NIET. |
Strategy 1.2.6: Implement and develop action plans based on CASE benchmark assessments (3 times a year). | Ongoing The first Mastery View benchmark has been given. Teachers analyzed root causes for the standards students had not mastered and developed strategies for a continuous improvement cycle. |
Strategy 1.2.7: Provide math tutoring to students in grades 6-8 who are near proficiency using the TN ALL Corp high-quality tutoring program. | Achieved Bledsoe County Middle has a tutor in place working with 6th - 8th grade students in math. On our recent benchmark, 48% of those students being served showed significant gains. |
Strategy 1.2.8: Create curriculum maps across all grades and subject areas. | In Process Grades K-5 have pacing guides in place for all subjects. Grades 6-8 are following the Mastery View pacing guides at this time as well as those high school EOC tested subjects. PE in all grades K-12 have developed pacing guides. |
Strategy 1.2.9: Create a data system that encompasses all data points. | Accomplished: 7/15/2022 A new data visualization system which combines Mastery Connect test data, TCAP test data and attendance data. The data is updated on a daily basis and accessible via the web to authorized users. Accomplished: 9/30/2022 Discipline data and student grade data added to the visualization system. New version to be released and rolled out by Oct 7. |
Objective 1.3: By the year 2027, 95% of students will graduate on time and 75% of students will be college and career ready. | Strategy 1.3.1: Increase EPSO opportunities for high school students (Industry Certification, Advanced Placement, Dual Enrollment and Dual Credit). | In Process The CTE Director and teachers have identified additional industry certifications and extensions to existing programs. Bledsoe County Middle and Bledsoe County High are both applying for Innovated School grants to provide students with new early post secondary opportunities. A system for tracking information for each program of study has been developed. |
Strategy 1.3.2: Develop a STEM program for elementary and middle grades. | Accomplished: 8/5/2022 Coding curriculum for elementary schools selected Accomplished: 8/8/2022 Project Lead The Way STEM classes and Computer Science Coding classes started in fall classes. All 6th, 7th and 8th grade students will be taking both classes during the 2022-2023 school year. In Process: 9/9/2022 Training on coding curriculum for all 3 elementary schools. Additional training scheduled over the next 2 weeks. Classes to begin at the end of October 2022 |
Strategy 1.3.3: Expand partnerships with higher education institutes and businesses. | In Process: 8/8/2022 Developed local dual credit opportunities with Chattanooga State in Marketing Management, Engineering Design and Personal Finance. Developed Dual enrollment opportunities with TCAT of Crossville in Carpentry, Electrical, Automotive and Welding. Established Work Based Learning opportunities within the community. Local business leaders will be invited to speak to students and visit worksites. |
Strategy 1.3.4: Upgrade and purchase new equipment for STEM and CTE programs of study. | In Process: 10/6/2022 Upgrade and purchase equipment that supports classroom curriculum and connects to industry in STEM. Equipment will be purchased using Carl Perkins, SPARC grant and Innovative School Model grant. |
Strategy 1.3.5: Provide student exposure to career opportunities through interest inventories and career aptitude assessments. | In Process: 10/6/2022 BCMS students will be take interest inventory test and aptitude assessments in the 7th and 8th grade. Students will also take career explorations during the 9th grade and be given and interest inventory during the 10th grade. |
Strategy 1.3.6: Students will participate in the Bledsoe County High School College and Career fair. | Accomplished:5/1/2022 Career and Job fair will be held at BCHS every spring, all students will be encouraged to participate. |
Strategy 1.3.7: Provide teachers professional development for implementation of STEM and coding activities. | Accomplished: 9/9/2022 Training on coding curriculum for all 3 elementary schools. Additional training scheduled through 10/14/2022 |
Strategy 1.3.8: Hire additional personnel to help track student attendance. | Accomplished: 7/15/2022 Created attendance database abd visualization system to give personnel and teachers attendance data and histories. |
Goal 2: Improve community engagement and the parental experience. | Objective 2.1: Increase the rate of students and families participating in family engagement opportunities by 5% annually. | Strategy 2.1.1: Implement a student and parent advisory board. | Ongoing This was established during the 2021-2022 school year. Parent and students were met with at each school to gather feedback around how we can make improvements in our schools. We will continue to do this at least two times each school year. |
Strategy 2.1.2: Send out biannual surveys to both parents and students. | Accomplished: 9/6/2022 Esser surveys sent to parents, students and community via email and website. Follow-up survey scheduled for March 2023 |
Strategy 2.1.3: Increase the number of partnerships with business leaders and community groups. | In Process: 1/26/2023 Newly formed partnerships with the Chamber of Commerce and extended partnership with Bledsoe Telephone Co-op. |
Strategy 2.1.4: Include parents on the principal hiring committee. | Ongoing Parents are being used on Principal Hiring Committees |
Strategy 2.1.5: Expand opportunities for parents to provide feedback and participate in activities, including the addition of more virtual activities. | Ongoing:05/02/2023 Parents have participated virtually in PTO meetings. Parents have also had the opportunity to provide feedback through surveys, planning meetings and advisory meetings. |
Strategy 2.1.6: Create a data dashboard to encompass all data pieces for parent viewing. | In Progress: 9/26/2022 Parent Dashboard prototype developed. Release to parents estimated by May 31, 2023 |
Objective 2.2: By 2027, parents’ satisfaction with Bledsoe County Schools will be 95% or higher. | Strategy 2.2.1: Implement the recently developed communication plan. | Accomplished: 10/15/2021 The communication plan has been developed and implemented. |
Strategy 2.2.2: Provide the community with a CTE newsletter. | Ongoing: 8/15/2022 CTE quarterly newsletter distribution began August 2022. |
Strategy 2.2.3: Develop a plan to incorporate student led data presentations during existing family nights/events. | In Process: 04/03/2023 During the spring semester (2023), each school is scheduling a time for students to present their data to their parents. |
Goal 3: Recruit, build, and retain excellent employees. | Objective 3.1: By 2027, the district will increase the number of applicants for open positions. | Strategy 3.1.1: Implement a TAP Program (Teaching as a Profession) for students who are interested in becoming educators. | In Process The Teaching as Profession (TAP) program has officially been launched with 25 students enrolled in Introduction to Teaching in the spring semester. There are also work-based learning students at the elementary school working in classrooms with students. The district is meeting with state level TAP representatives to discuss and develop the program in greater detail. Ongoing Through NIET PD, principals have been trained on identifying and supporting teacher leaders. Each school has established an Instructional Leadership Team (ILT). The purpose in their work is to surface areas to strength across the school. These teams meet bi-weekly to monthly to develop small increments of PD for teachers. The ILT team members in turn, facilitate the learning for each cluster. |
Strategy 3.1.2: Partner with the iTeach/Grow Your Own teacher certification program. | Ongoing 78% of Pre-K-2 teachers have completed the Early Grades Reading Training to date. Ongoing The District is partnering with Iteach and have several candidates in the classroom with job embedded license and working through the Iteach program |
Strategy 3.1.3: Partner with area colleges for placement of student teachers. | Ongoing: 7/1/2022 Increased the number of colleges with partnerships with colleges for placement of students. The district is working with TTU, UTC, WGU, Lee University, Bryan College and Grand Canyon. |
Strategy 3.1.4: Participate in education college and career fairs at local universities (Bryan College, Tennessee Technological University, Lee University, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Middle Tennessee State University, andthe University of Tennessee at Knoxville). | Ongoing The District will be participating in the Tennessee Tech Career Fair in March 2023 and will be attending others as they become available. |
Strategy 3.1.5: Data will be collected through surveys after all professional development to determine success, refinements and needs. | Accomplished The district has created a Google survey to use after each PD. The results are used to provide future PD. |
Strategy 3.1.6: Create a recruitment video | In Process All footage for the video has been completed. The development team is working on the production piece of the video. |
Strategy 3.1.7: Investing in recruitment materials | Achieved: 2/21/2023 Recruitment materials received. |
Objective 3.2: By 2027, the district will retain 97% of teachers and leaders. | Strategy 3.2.1: Establish a new teacher mentoring program. | Accomplished: 7/18/2022 The district kicked off our New Teacher Mentoring program. Teachers were trained on a variety of topics including classroom management and organization, standards and assessments and meeting the needs of all students. New teachers also had the opportunity to meet and work with their school mentors. School mentors and mentees will be working together throughout the year to ensure teachers are getting the support they need to be effective. Teachers indicated that they felt prepared and excited about starting the new school year. Click here to see our new teachers | :
Strategy 3.2.2: Create a teacher advisory board. | Ongoing: 10/10/2022 This was established during the 2020-2021 school year. Mrs. Sparkman met with at each school to gather feedback around how we can make improvements in our schools. We will continue to do this at least two times each school year. |
Strategy 3.2.3: Conduct scheduled meetings with BCEA. | Ongoing: 10/14/2022 The district meets with BCEA each semester. |
Strategy 3.2.4: Implement a recognition and celebration program. | Ongoing:09/01/2022 Schools have implemented Teacher of the Month recognition programs. |
Strategy 3.2.5: Restructure the current salary schedule. | Ongoing
The district is working with Lean Frog on Compensation Study to assist in the re-structuring of pay scales |
Strategy 3.2.6: Implement an evaluation method for central office supervisors and non-certified personnel. | Accomplished
This was developed and implemented in the spring of 2022 for Central Office Supervisors and non-certified personnel. |
Strategy 3.2.7: Create a systemized process and rubric for hiring. | Accomplished: 10/04/2021
The use of rubrics was established and implemented in the fall of 2021. |
Strategy 3.2.8: Provide a letter of intent to all employees followed by a yearly contract. | Ongoing Certified staff are provided with a letter of intent to hire and a yearly contract. |
Strategy 3.2.9: Develop a Daycare for teacher recruitment and retention. | Accomplished: 8/1/2022 The daycare currently enrolls 16 children and is staffed with 3 employees. There is a waiting list for the 6 week - 18 month class, so there is a need to expand. The daycare has met all state requirements and received a Certificate of Approval. |
Objective 3.3: By 2027, 80% of staff indicate that they are being provided opportunities to develop and improve their leadership capacity within their roles. | Strategy 3.3.1: Provide support for school leaders around identifying, supporting, and developing teacher leaders. | Ongoing: 07/05/2021 District staff has provided school leaders with professional development around creating shared leadership within their buildings. Schools have established Instructional Leadership teams. |
Strategy 3.3.2: Provide instructional coaching training to leaders, principals, and instructional coaches to support staff development. | Accomplished 04/03/2022 District and school leaders participated in 3 days of coaching training with the Ayers institute. |
Strategy 3.3.3: Implement monthly PD for principals around data-driven instruction, student culture, student work, and assessments. | Ongoing Principals participate in monthly professional development meetings with district leadership. These meetings are grounded in best practices and include new learning, strategy development/connection to the work, ways to measure, and reflection. |
Strategy 3.3.4: Create a Leadership Academy for identified aspiring leaders. | Accomplished: 01/01/2022 The district established a cohort of aspiring leaders. These aspiring leaders participated in monthly PD sessions with district leadership focused on the book Leveraging Leadership. A new cohort is set to begin in November. |
Goal 4: Provide facilities that inspire and support student achievement. | Objective 4.1: By 2023, the district will develop a comprehensive system/plan for improving, developing and managing all Bledsoe County facilities. | Strategy 4.1.1: Create a master plan for facilities. | Accomplished: 06/13/2022 The district has created and implemented a system to track facility improvements and maintenance. |
Strategy 4.1.2: Create a capital improvements plan. | Accomplished: 02/08/2023 Kaatz, Binkley, Jones, & Morris architects presented a complete capital outlay plan to the board. |
Strategy 4.1.3: Create a method of tracking school supplies and their costs by school. | Accomplished: 07/01/2022 A system of tracking school supply costs was implemented and costs can now be tracked and analyzed by school. |
Strategy 4.1.4: Develop a data system for management of ESSER/Capital Improvement Funds. | Accomplished: 4/1/2022 Data system for management of ESSER funds in production. |